Perfect Smoked Trout Dip
It's Super Bowl weekend my friends. My favorite smoked trout dip is from Gulfstream in Newport Beach - well it was . . . until I started making my own. A close foodie friend said mine was even better than Gulfstream's! I think it's because of the addition of Mediterranean Bliss during the smoking process. It perfect for your Super Bowl spread so here's how I do it . . .
First you gotta smoke the trout . . .
2 quarts of water
1 cup Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt
1/3 cup sugar
2 shallots thinly sliced
3 crushed garlic cloves
2 lemons - zest
2 bay leaves
2 tablespoons Mediterranean Bliss
4 whole trout that have been cleaned - One trout yields about 5-7 ounces, you only need 8-10 ounces for the dip so you'll have extra.
First you gotta smoke the trout - using a bowl that is nonreactive combine water, kosher salt, sugar, shallots, garlic, lemon zest, bay leaf and Mediterranean Bliss stirring until sugar and salt dissolves. There's your brine. Place the trout in and weight it down to the water completely covers it. (Use a heavy plate or something like that to keep the trout under water.) Refrigerate for 6 hours.
Next take the trout of the brine and rinse really well. Pat the trout dry with paper towels and then rub them down - including the inside - with more Mediterranean Bliss. Put them on racks that fit inside a sheet pan and refrigerate them uncovered overnight 12-24 hours.
Smoke the trout at 220 degrees for only about 1.5 to 3 hours depending on how many trout you're smoking. You're going for an internal temperature of 145 degrees. To keep you going here's a picture of the finished product on crackers.
The top two are of the prepared dip on crackers and the bottom two are just the smoked trout on crackers with creme fraiche smeared underneath. Yummmm
Now are you ready to make that Smoked Trout Dip? Here goes . . .
8-10 ounces of smoked trout, cleaned of bones and skin
1/4 cup creme fraiche
1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 cornichons finely chopped
1 T capers - rinse really well
1 T fresh chopped dill
1 T chopped flat leaf parsely
Squeeze of lemon
After cleaning the trout of bones (takes forever!) and skin chop it up. Add the crème fraiche and yogurt – mix well. Mix in the cornichons, capers, dill and parsley. Pulse in food processor for a smoother consistency. Add cream to your taste for a creamier dip and it absorbs some of the salt taste from the capers and trout. Add a touch of fresh lemon juice.
You can serve it on crackers or brush some toast with olive oil and grill it or lightly toast it. Spread dip on your crackers or toast and voila it’s done! Dig in!